Intro to Zen Class

Breathe. Ground. Open.

If you are new to Zen, welcome! When human life becomes chaotic and overwhelming, it can be helpful to head for the nearest meditation cushion or chair. We offer a number of ways to introduce you to Zen meditation practice. Learn how to support and strengthen your own meditation practice.

We look forward to seeing you!

If you would like to join us, set up an appointment, or attend our events, you can email or call us.

What to Expect
During this individual Zoom introduction we'll discuss the basics of Zen and meditation. Bring your questions - everything you've always wanted to know about Zen meditation, Zen practice and the Zen Center. Free of charge, donations welcome.

Private Lessons
You may also request a private time for meditation instruction one-on-one with our guiding teacher Myozen Joan Amaral. It is appropriate to make a donation for the teacher for individual instruction; the amount is entirely up to you.

Intro to Zen Workshops
Occasionally offered on Sunday afternoons, these workshops cover the basics of Zen practice: instruction in sitting and walking meditation, Buddhist texts for well-being and healing, and movement practices to support meditation. The workshop includes ample opportunity for questions. All sessions are led by Zen Center's guiding teacher. This is a great opportunity for immersing in Zen practice!


You can request an Intro to Zen from a senior Zen Center student:

Artist and professor drawn to Eastern philosophies mysteriously as a teenager, bumbling her way on the cushion, ever-exploring and deepening practice.

Seitetsu Kate Farrington

Clint Dalton

Local attorney, father of two little ones, philosopher, poet, and saunterer.

Baikyo Wendy Pirsig

Grandmother exploring wisdom, compassion and tranquility.

Dad, husband, person in long-term recovery whose goal is to share his experience of how the practices of meditation can enhance the lives of those living with the challenges of addiction.

Genrin Jake Kessler

Husband, father, teacher, and graduate student from the North Shore who spends his free time listening to loud music, re-watching The Office, and of course sitting zazen.

Koun Max Modugno

Kenho Emily Carson Dashawetz

A writer connecting zazen with creativity and healing.